

Peques Nursery Fees as of 1st April 2024

All children ages 3 months to 5 years

Full Day               8am-6pm                                    £98

AM Session          8am-1pm                                    £62

PM Session           1pm-6pm                                   £58

Registration fee (non-refundable)                      £70

Deposit (refundable)*                                             £750

Yoga Lessons (pm & free for full timers)           £30

Minimum Attendance

Minimum three full days a week attendance.

Half Days
Only offered to our pre-school group (3-5 years old, Indigos)
in addition to three full days.


Siblings receive a 5% sibling discount on each account.

Extra Sessions
Extra sessions are charged at the published daily
rate. They will be charged and invoiced at the time
of booking and will not be confirmed until payment
is received. Extra sessions can be cancelled
without charge as long as a minimum of 48 hours’
notice is given. In such cases, they will be credited
to the child’s account as refunds will not be made.

Fees Include

  • Breakfast
  • Home Cooked Lunch & Home Cooked Pudding
  • Afternoon Snack
  • Home Cooked Supper & Home Cooked Pudding
  • Mandarin Sessions
  • Music, Arts & Craft

Parents Must Provide

  • Nappies
  • Wipes
  • Nappy cream (if required)
  • Formula milk (if required)
  • Yoga (This is charged at £30 per month in advance and should be included in your standing order)
  • Small Sports Club

Calculation of Fees

Please note that fees are calculated by multiplying the weekly sessions total by the 50 weeks that we are open then divided by 12 equal instalments and then rounded up to the pound. This means that although the nursery is closed for 2 weeks in December the standing order should be the same as every other month as this is already factored into the calculation.


Nursery Closure

  • All Bank Holidays
  • 2 Weeks at Christmas/New Year
  • First working day back (inset day)

The above are fully chargeable days and cannot be compensated or refunded

Peques Early Years Funding Policy

At Peques, we are registered with the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham to receive education funding from the term after a child turns three years old until the child starts school (up to the term after they turn 5).  LBHF provides the funding for term time only (38 weeks of the school year as published by LBHF), however, Peques will distribute this funding over the 50 weeks a year that the nursery is open. As per Peques Terms & Conditions, we do not offer term time only places.


There are Two Types of Funding

Universal Funding (15 hour)


This funding is not means tested and available to all children of the relevant age attending the nursery for the required minimum sessions as stated in our Terms & Conditions. This funding covers term time only for a maximum 15 hours a week for 38 weeks of the school year as published by LBHF; as opposed to the 50 weeks a year that the nursery remains open.


Extended Funding (30 hour)


Extended funding is means tested and offers a further 15 hours on top of the Universal Funding totalling 30 hours a week and is only available to children attending the setting whose parents successfully apply to the HMRC for the additional funding and receive an eligibility code. This funding covers term time only for a maximum 30 hours a week for 38 weeks of the school year as published by LBHF; as opposed to the 50 weeks a year that the nursery remains open.

How to Register


Admission to Peques is carried out through an application submitted by you as either a parent or other legal guardian of the child. Registration forms (Registration Forms, Terms and Conditions & Privacy Consent) should be completed and returned to Peques along with a non-refundable registration fee of £70.00. A confirmation letter is emailed to you, which shall include the date the child is due to start at Peques, subject to availability. Upon receipt of the confirmation letter, a £750 deposit is due irrespective of the start date to fully confirm the place. Should you need to withdraw the place then we require four months’ calendar notice prior to the child’s start date. Deposits may be forfeited if inadequate notice of withdrawal is given. Only one deposit is required per family and when a child leaves, the deposit is transferred to the sibling.

If you would like to register your child, please contact the site you wish to enrol in to obtain our Welcome Pack.

Settling In


For most children, starting nursery school is their first separation from their main carer and a major event in a child’s life. This time of transition can be stressful for both children and parents therefore we work in close partnership with the parents/carers, so that both child and parent feel supported as they work towards feeling comfortable and secure in their new setting. Parents are encouraged and are very welcome to call the nursery whenever they wish throughout the settling in period to maintain contact and receive updates on how their child is progressing. Children can only play and learn successfully if they are happy and confident. Our settling in procedure aims to assist parents/carers to help their children feel at ease at the nursery and to be confident that their parents will return at the end of their session to collect them.



The parent/carer will be asked to bring the child for one hour between 9.30am and 10.30am to introduce them to the nursery and stay with them so they feel secure and can familiarise themselves with their new environment.



This day the parent/carer will stay together with the child for one hour between 9.30am and 10.30am and then leave the child for another hour with the teachers between 10.30am and 11.30pm and will have lunch with their group. They will leave their contact number with the manager and stay nearby just in case the child gets upset in which case they will be contacted. It is imperative for the parent to always say goodbye before leaving and never sneak out. Otherwise, the child will not understand why they have disappeared and will get upset which will then resonate with them and they will associate being upset with their new nursery. Whilst the parent/carer is absent a member of staff will comfort and give reassurance to the child until the parent/carer returns.



As long as the child is comfortable with the teachers and children of the group, this day they will stay without the parent/carer from 9.00am to 12.00pm and will have lunch with their group.