Peques Early Years Funding Policy
At Peques, we are registered with the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham to receive education funding from the term after a child turns three years old until the child starts school (up to the term after they turn 5). LBHF provides the funding for term time only (38 weeks of the school year as published by LBHF), however, Peques will distribute this funding over the 50 weeks a year that the nursery is open. As per Peques Terms & Conditions, we do not offer term time only places.
There are Two Types of Funding
Universal Funding (15 hour)
This funding is not means tested and available to all children of the relevant age attending the nursery for the required minimum sessions as stated in our Terms & Conditions. This funding covers term time only for a maximum 15 hours a week for 38 weeks of the school year as published by LBHF; as opposed to the 50 weeks a year that the nursery remains open.
Extended Funding (30 hour)
Extended funding is means tested and offers a further 15 hours on top of the Universal Funding totalling 30 hours a week and is only available to children attending the setting whose parents successfully apply to the HMRC for the additional funding and receive an eligibility code. This funding covers term time only for a maximum 30 hours a week for 38 weeks of the school year as published by LBHF; as opposed to the 50 weeks a year that the nursery remains open.